Standard edition of the RC8 for Windows computers in a set with USB commander With 25 models and 4 landscapes Ideal for beginners, as a gift or for the next generation! Incl. Aerobatics, helicopters, jets, gliders, model scaling and much more Incl. Multiplayer mode, multiplayer and voice chat! Incl. VR headset support!
See all models of the STANDARD edition in pictures
Fly on the PC monitor with all types of model flight in high-resolution photo scenes, move freely through 4D photo scenes or fly with the same software with your VR headset and experience a completely new feeling and immerse yourself in the scene!
This item # 3031050 is a set consisting of:
aeroflyRC8 STANDARD on DVD for Windows USB RC / FlightController # 3036012
The USB RC / FlightController is supplied with power directly from the PC. You do not need to charge batteries for the controller or rechargeable batteries. The controller is supplied with gas on the left (mode 2 or mode 4) and can be converted to gas on the right (mode 1 or mode 3) using the enclosed instructions
Upgrade to the full version
The STANDARD edition of the aerofly RC8 can be upgraded to the full version with 246 models and 54 landscapes
System requirements for Windows
Minimum system requirements (the recommended ones in brackets)
64-bit Win 8/10
DualCore 2.4 GHz (QuadCore 3.0 GHz)
RAM 4 GB (8 GB)
Hard disk space: 8 GB
1 GB graphics card (2 GB memory)
A free USB output on the PC
For VR mode only: 4 GB graphics card.
The RC8 is optimized for Oculus-Rift and HTC-Vive headsets (the two most popular systems)